HORROR HAS A NAME. You’d never notice the man. He doesn’t like to be noticed. He’s quiet. Calm. Never complains. If someone were to walk up and shoot him in the head… all he’d do is die. Until night falls. And someone else gets up again. The man’s name is Banner. The horror is THE IMMORTAL HULK.
My girls got me issue #1 for Father's Day and thank goodness they did. This has become one of my favorite series of all time. I'm currently re-reading this for the second time. This post isn't going to track my progress as I'm reading the recently released Omnibus. I'll use this instead, as a placeholder to track soundtracks and any additional thoughts about the run.
Original Soundtrack: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Infest the Rat's Nest
I found a bit of an Easter Egg in one of the later issues, 15. One of the panel shows Walter Langkowski relaxing in his office, and propped against a pile of books is a record - Leonard Cohens Song of Love and Hate. Any time I find records or music mentioned in a comics; I'll give it a listen while reading the comic. This album is a perfect fit for the Immortal Hulk series. I highly suggest it!
New Soundtrack: Leonard Cohen - Songs of Love and Hate.
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