Back Issue Key Comics Reading List

I've been lucky enough to find some really cool keys over the last 4-5 years in back issues bins at cover price.  Here is the list of some keys that I need to read and enjoy.

Amazing Spider-Man Keys

Amazing Spider-Man #503

  • 1st appearance of Tess Black, the daughter of Loki
  • 1st appearance of Morwen, an immortal sorceress of chaos

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2. (1999) #46

  • 1st appearance of Shathra, a Spider-Wasp from the astral plane

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #38

  • 1st appearance of Amazing Spider, an alternate reality Spider-Man who lures Spider-Men from other realities to his so he can absorb their powers
  • 1st appearance of Deathwish, an alternate reality version of Dr. Doom who is more like Deadpool
  • 1st appearance of Death Mask, an alternate reality version of Deadpool who is more like Dr. Doom

Hulk Keys

Fall of the Hulks: Alpha #1

1st team appearance of Intelligencia: Leader, Wizard, M.O.D.O.K., Red Ghost, Mad Thinker

World War Hulk: Gamma Corps #1

  • 1st appearance of Gideon Wilson, brother of Sam Wilson
  • 1st team appearance of Gamma Corps: Grey, Mister Gideon Wilson, Prodigy, Mess, and Griffin formerly Clown

Various Keys

Deadpool Team-Up #883

  • Deadpool becomes the Herald of Galactus


  1. Finished Gamma Corps #1. Good read, flashback to the mid 2000s. Loved that WWW run.


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