Planet Hulk: Worldbreaker

Loving this new series; one of the better reads (at least for me) this year.   MILLENNIUM! A thousand years from now on the planet Sakaar, a young woman with green skin searches for the legendary Green Scar to help save her brother from a group of apocalyptic cultists. But which Hulk will she find? And after all these years, is he truly the Sakaarson, who will save us all—or the Worldbreaker, who will destroy us?


  1. Finished issue 1. This is a great start. I really enjoyed this first issue. On to ish 2.

  2. Re-read issue 1. We are back on Planet Sakaar, 1000 years since Planet hulk took place. Priestess Venkeira are out to get the Haarg, the green skins and wipe them off her planter. Balo and Maddy are chased. Balo is taken by Venkeira’s men. Maddy seeks help from her grandpa, Amadeus Cho! But their attempt to rescue Balo fails. They need the help of the Worldbreaker - Sakaarson. On to issue 2.

  3. Cho and Maddy barely escape the Sentinals of Sakaar. They both find Banner who refuses to help. They decide to search out She-hulk who we discover in the last panels appears to be mentally navigating the sentinel’s ship? On to issue 3.

  4. Maddy rescues Balo. She-hulk is kidnapped and Cho predict all this turmoil will raise the Worldbreaker, the Hulk. On to issue 4. Enter the hulk?

  5. She-hulk is rescued but too late as the priestess uses Jen’s power to break her world by sending earthquakes and rivers of lava. Hulk has no choice now but to join the fight and go after the priestess.

  6. Nice ending to a pretty good sci-fi epic. Love the planet Sakaar and new characters within. The art in this series wsd the highlight. Need to consider reading the planet hulk Omni.


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