Action Comics: Dawn of DC

I find myself moving more and more towards DC comics.  The stories are great and character development is top notch. A new day dawns in Metropolis as the newly refreshed Superfamily starts in a new direction, incorporating new members, new costumes, and a new approach to the superhero game. Unfortunately, not everyone is as excited about the changes as the family is, themselves. A new anti-alien movement has sprung up in the city... and if that weren’t enough, the world’s foremost anti-alien force, Lex Luthor, is about to unleash his secret weapon: the kryptonite-powered John Corben... Metallo!

Also included: a return to the farm for the Kent family as they go back to the long-abandoned home where Jon Kent was initially raised way back during the end of the New 52 and the beginning of the Rebirth era. And Power Girl begins a new direction, teaming with Omen of Teen Titans fame to assist in psychic healing for the traumatized Beast Boy.

Soundtrack:  Daphni - Cherry


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