Scott Snyder and Hayden Sherman reunite for the next installment in the critically acclaimed Dark Spaces anthology series. A family moves from the rustle and bustle of the Big Apple to upstate New York. However, their father’s dreams of a quiet rural life are shattered when he discovers a DUNGEON underneath their land filled with torture devices, weapons, and a threatening message on the wall that reads, “TELL NO ONE.” Paranoia sets in rapidly as the father realizes anyone in his new hometown could be the dungeon master. Whom can he trust? And how will he keep this secret from his family while keeping them SAFE? From the creative team behind the acclaimed Dark Spaces: Wildfire comes another dark tale of intrigue and the bad things people do.
Finished issue 1. Great start the this story. The serial killer responsible for the dungeons is back. Can our detective protagonist overcome his fear of the serial killer and find him once more?