Star Wars: Shadows of Starlight

WHO LIVED? WHO DIED? ANSWERS TO THE GREATEST CATASTROPHE OF THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE JEDI! Little has been revealed about the year following the fall of STARLIGHT BEACON and the ultimate triumph of THE NIHIL…until now! THE JEDI COUNCIL, reeling from its losses, has recalled its JEDI KNIGHTS from across the galaxy and instituted the emergency measures. MASTER YODA has a plan to save the Order and the galaxy, but he must touch the dark side to achieve it…and the consequences will be grave indeed.

Soundtrack: Pond - The Weather


  1. Finished issue 1. After the far of Starlight, those series takes off and shows us the struggles the Jedi must endure as they rebuild. Enter Azlin Rell, a mysterious Jedi turned to the dark force. Yoda is convinced he is somehow the key to the Jedi survival and the one who will unravel the mystery behind the Nameless One. However, final panels show Rell has different plans and crashed a cruiser onto a city full of innocent civilians. Yoda realizes he may have made a mistake. In to issue 2.


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